
Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Belle's Christening

Christabelle was 8 mths n' 2 wks old when she got baptised. After what happen yesterday, i felt a bit regret that we didn't do it earlier. She is a bit (or a lot?) too big... She couldn't stay still, get bored and fussy and when we brought her up front to the priest to be blessed, she got angry (She always hate to be carried like a newborn), especially when He put his hand on her head.

My dad said, It's normal for babies to cry when they got baptised. But i think IF we have the second one, i will do the christening very early (before 3 mths old). Anyway, i'm glad that everything went well. Welcome to the Kingdom of God my precious little one :)

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Saturday, 18 October 2008


These past 3 days i’ve been worry coz Belle seems very difficult in passing her stool. After red rice, potatoe, pumpkin porride, last 2 days i gave her green bean porridge mix with formula milk (that’s b’coz i was lazy to express my breastmilk and also feel that the milk production a bit decrease as Belle also lack of interest in breastfeeding, she just keep playing with them hehehe...)

Last night she kept waking up. Normally, she only wakes up once at night to be breastfeed. But last night she looks so uncomfortable, crying and fussy. I suspect she got a stomachache. At 6AM she woke up and cry, so i bring her out to the changing room, she poo a little. And then she play and had breakfast (2 chunk of baby biscuits). I left her for about 2 hours, when i came back she was sleeping. Then she woke up. At first, she smile at me, but suddenly she cry and scream like in pain. I picked her up and cuddle her. I ask the maid to buy papaya and order not to cook any other kind of porridge.

I will only feed her breast milk and papaya starting from today and the next 2 days perhaps. Belle keep crying and even scream so loud (which she rarely do it, she never cry like this, In fact she hardly ever cry) I check her nappy, there’s a little poo but then i saw something very hard and big (sory if this make u sick hehehe) stuck and she strugle to let it out. But finally it could come out and it happen several times. Big and hard like wodden stick. I suspect it happen because of the formula milk i gave to her, mix with the porridge. Perhaps, i will stop to give her any formula milk, not even change to any brand. Mother milk is always in the right conditon and the best for my baby.

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Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Baby Belle 1st solid

I planned to give Belle her 1st solid food on her 6th mth B’day which is today. But yesterday when i was eating mango, She always tried to grab it so i gave it to her mouth for her to lick it then she began to demand more and more… so i made the puree of half mango, mix with a bit of breastmilk, sit her on my lap,

(she was too impatience if she had to wait for me to asemble her high chair which i intend to use a day after –> today), put on her bib and give her very first semi solid food :) she seems really enjoy it, keep open her mouth everytime i said Aaaaa and several times wants to grab the spoon and put everything herself. Messy?? all over her cloth and face of course :p

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Friday, 12 September 2008

Baby Belle 1st teeth

This morning i was playing with Belle on my bed, she keeps drolling and wanted to grab anything her eyes can see. These last few weeks i’ve noticed white dot in her gum, but far back on the right side of her mouth. Then when her dad call (He was in Jkt) I told him that her teeth almost come. When i hang up the phone, i put my finger inside Belle mouth then i felt something… VOILA… her 1st teeth already came out :)

Funny, all of these times i suspect that her first molar will come at the beginning as we spot the white thingy on the right back of her mouth. But that part still remain white and her 1st teeth is actually one of the incisors, one cute teeth on her front low jar.

Anyway… i’m so happy that she didn’t experienced any sign of fever, lack of appetite (even these past 3 days she’s been breastfeed a lot until i felt exhausted hehehe… perhaps it compensate the pain that she felt a little bit in her mouth) or excessive crying as parents and old people told me. I called her dad back and he also happy and be proud of her.

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Sunday, 20 July 2008

Breastfeeding Sleep

Besides being the optimal source of nutrition for your baby in her first year, nursing has obvious psychological benefits for both mother and baby. At birth, infants see only 12 to 15 inches, the distance between a nursing baby and its mother's face. Studies have found that infants as young as 1 week prefer the smell of their own mother's milk.
Many psychologists believe the nursing baby enjoys a sense of security from the warmth and presence of the mother, especially when there's skin-to-skin contact during feeding. Parents of bottle-fed babies may be tempted to prop bottles in the baby's mouth, with no human contact during feeding. But a nursing mother must cuddle her infant closely many times during the day. Nursing becomes more than a way to feed a baby; it's a source of warmth and comfort.
When the baby is being fed and nurtured in this way, it’s natural for her to fall asleep quickly. When you know how much she can consume in one feeding, try to gently nudge her awake if she falls asleep too soon. You can easily rouse her with a little tickle of the feet.Otherwise, she’ll get hungry sooner and you’ll be feeding her more often.

Breast-feeding is good for new mothers as well as for their babies. There are no bottles to sterilize and no formula to buy, measure and mix. It may be easier for a nursing mother to lose the pounds of pregnancy as well, since nursing uses up extra calories. Lactation also stimulates the uterus to contract back to its original size.

A nursing mother is forced to get needed rest. She must sit down, put her feet up, and relax every few hours to nurse. Nursing at night is easy as well. No one has to stumble to the refrigerator for a bottle and warm it while the baby cries. If she's lying down, a mother can doze while she nurses.

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Wednesday, 16 July 2008 baby sleep... (I)

These past 3 days Belle schedule shift a little bit. She woke up once at 1.30AM again and then 6.00AM after breastfeed she wouldn't go back to sleep. She moved a lot during sleep at night like trying to lay on her side.

Perhaps it's the stage that she developing the skill to roll over from back to side and soon to her tummy. Well, i should be prepare to wake more often at night very soon. After all, that's what a mother is for :)

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Thursday, 10 July 2008

Selecting The Right Type of Stroller For Your Lifestyle

Having a baby is exciting, but also very tough! There are tons of decisions you will make throughout your pregnancy, throughout your babies infancy and during their entire lives! One of those early decisions you will have to make is what type of stroller to by your precious baby. In case you weren't aware, a stroller is a must have item for all new parents! Most parents buy their first stroller before they even buy a crib for their newborn. You can use your stroller from day one!

It's easy to get wound up over the selection process. Fortunately if you use the tips below for selecting the right type of stroller, you won't have any trouble at all selecting the right stroller! Here are some important considerations when buying a stroller for your baby.

Selecting a Style There are many different 'styles' of stroller. Here are just a few:

* Conventional stroller – this is your standard stroller. Most come with a harness or belt to keep your baby safe and secure, a snack tray, maybe a cup holder, foot brakes and removable padding to keep your baby comfortable. A conventional stroller may range in price from $30-$300 or more.
* Tandem or double – if you are having twins or have two babies close in age, a double stroller may be your best bet. You can buy a side-by-side version or a front to back version. While bulky, these strollers do come in handy when shuffling around your little ones.
* Exercise or Jogging – these strollers are increasingly popular in recent years. While many are more expensive than traditional models, most parents feel the added investment is well worth it. Most exercise strollers come with a durable aluminum frame. They can carry your toddler up to 80 pounds, twice as much as conventional strollers. Exercise strollers usually easily fold like any other model. They are a good selection for parents on the go who want to get fit while entertaining their child.
* Lightweight – lightweight strollers feature lightweight materials. Most weigh less than 20 pounds. Most average 12-15. This is a bonus especially if you plan to haul around a hefty 30-pound toddler. Remember the heavier your stroller the more weight you'll push around. A lightweight stroller makes quick trips to the grocery store a lot easier. Some families opt to have a lightweight and a conventional stroller in the house. They can use the lightweight stroller for traveling and the conventional stroller for walks around the block.

The first thing you should do when hunting for a stroller is decide what style best meets your needs. Once you do this, you can start looking for a stroller that has the unique features and accessories you feel make the package complete.

Stroller Accessories and Features Once you decide the style of stroller you need, it's time to select accessories and features. Some strollers come fully loaded with accessories and features. You may pay a little extra, but you won't have to buy these features separately. Here are just a few accessories and features that most parents find useful when buying a stroller:
o Extra cup and snack holders for parent and child.
o Weatherproof fabric.
o Additional rain or insect mesh shield.
o Adjustable canopy to keep sunlight away from your child regardless of the direction you turn.
o Reflective materials to keep you visible when walking during dusk or in the evening.
o Foot and hand brakes.
o Built in shock absorbers.
o Built in toys to entertain your child.

One feature you can't live without is an adequate harness. Look for a stroller with a three or five point harness to keep your infant safe and secure while riding. You should always belt your child when riding, even when they are an infant, to make sure they don't accidentally slip out of the stroller and hurt themselves.

Before shopping for your stroller, create a list of the key features and the style of stroller you plan to buy. This will help reduce your list of 500 strollers to perhaps 20. Once you have narrowed your list you can look at dozens of online reviews to select the perfect stroller for you and your family.

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Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Perilaku Anak Berawal dari ASI

Anak yang mendapat ASI cuma dua bulan lebih berpotensi berperangai buruk.

Ada Adi, 4,5 tahun, berarti ada keributan. Boleh jadi itu ungkapan yang tepat untuk bocah Taman Kanak-kanak itu. Pertengkaran tak cuma terjadi dengan temannya di sekitar rumah, di sekolah pun begitu. Ibunya mengeluh, tapi anak lelaki itu tak surut juga bertingkah-polah secara berlebihan. Cepat beradu mulut plus ringan tangan dan kaki.

Ada kemungkinan pemicunya memang beragam. Namun, bila menilik sebuah penelitian terbaru tentang kaitan asupan air susu ibu (ASI) dengan perilaku dan mental anak, ada baiknya si ibu bertanya kepada diri sendiri, "Apakah si anak mendapat ASI dalam masa yang cukup?"

Penelitian yang dilakukan Dr Katherine Hobbs Knutson, dari Departemen Psikiatri, Rumah Sakit Umum Massachusetts, Boston, Amerika Serikat, mengungkapkan bahwa ASI secara signifikan mempengaruhi perangai sang anak di masa depan. Studi baru seperti dikutip dari HealthDay News ini menyebutkan, seorang ibu yang mencukupi asupan ASI bayinya tidak pernah melaporkan adanya masalah perilaku dan mental pada anaknya selama lima tahun fase pertumbuhannya. Namun, ditemukan anak yang cuma disusui selama dua bulan berpotensi berperangai buruk dibanding anak yang ditunjang ASI selama satu tahun.

"Ini merupakan indikasi jika memberi ASI selama pertumbuhan dapat memiliki efek pada anak," kata Hobbs. Studi melibatkan sekitar 100 ribu partisipan dari usia 10 bulan hingga 18 tahun. Dalam penelitian, orang tua ditanya seputar pemberian ASI dan perilaku dan mental anaknya.

Menurut spesialis anak, dr Soedjatmiko, selama proses menyusui akan terjadi interaksi penuh kasih sayang antara ibu dan buah hatinya. "Bayi merasa aman, nyaman, dan dilindungi sehingga terbentuk attachment basic trust sebagai landasan utama perkembangan emosi yang baik di kemudian hari," ujarnya.

Konsultan laktasi, dr Utami Roesli, SpA, mengungkapkan, bayi yang terpenuhi asupan ASI akan memiliki emotional quetient (EQ) dan spiritual quetient (SQ) yang baik. "Ini yang akan membentuk behave-nya," ucapnya. Dibanding susu formula, menurut dia, kontak langsung dari kulit ke kulit membuat buah hati lebih merasa dekat. "Ketika menyusui juga ada rangsangan terhadap panca inderanya. Bayi akan merasakan, melihat, mencium, dan mendengar sesuatu yang ada di dekatnya, termasuk keintiman
dengan ibunya." Anak yang diberi ASI akan tumbuh lebih cerdas dan sehat dibanding bayi dengan susu formula," kata Ketua Umum Sentra Laktasi Indonesia itu.

Keampuhan ASI pun sudah terbukti. Utami memberi contoh Skandinavia dan Swedia, dua negara yang sangat mendukung asupan maksimal ASI kepada bayi dengan membuat kebijakan cuti bagi orang tua. "Bukan cuti hamil untuk ibunya saja," ujarnya. Di kedua negeri itu, cuti dapat diambil satu tahun penuh. Empat bulan pertama pasangan suami-istri tetap mendapat 100 persen gaji. Mulai bulan kelima, gaji dibayar 80-90 persen. "Kebijakan ini yang membuat anak-anak di Swedia dan Skandinavia cerdas dan sehat.Di sana juga sangat sulit ditemukan susu formula," ia menambahkan. Lagi pula, ia menegaskan, menyusui itu merupakan proses bertiga, yakni istri,suami, dan anak.

Adapun pemenuhan ASI sudah harus dilakukan sejak bayi lahir sampai usia 6 bulan tanpa dicampur makanan atau cairan lain meski air putih sekalipun. "ASI diperlukan hingga usia bayi 2 tahun, tapi dengan makanan pendamping," kata Utami. Dari data yang dimilikinya, tercatat anak yang disusui ASI, IQ-nya lebih tinggi 12,9 poin pada usia 9 tahun.

Berdasarkan penelitian American Academy of Pediatrics, asupan ASI pada bayi juga membuat anak terhindar dari penyakit infeksi, seperti diare, radang paru-paru, dan radang otak. Studi juga mengindikasikan mereka lebih rendah risiko terkena obesitas, diabetes, dan kanker. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kandungan enzim dalam ASI mendukung sistem pencernaan dan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Terutama dari kandungan yang terdapat pada susu jolong atau kolostrum--cairan kuning kental pada awal menyusui sampai hari keempat dan ketujuh.

Tidak hanya untuk anak, menyusui juga sangat fungsional untuk kaum ibu. Menurut Utami, bagi ibu menyusui akan mencegah risiko anemia. Menyusui secara eksklusif selama enam bulan berdampak pada penundaan haid. Dengan demikian, ibu dapat menyimpan zat besi dan mencegah terjadi defisiensi zat besi yang memicu anemia. Lalu, isapan bayi pada payudara ibu juga akan mencegah perdarahan setelah melahirkan dan mempercepat involusi uterus (pengecilan rahim kembali). Selain itu, dapat mengurangi risiko terjangkit kanker payudara dan ovarium. "Banyak penelitian yang membuktikan adanya hubungan antara infertilitas dan tidak menyusui dengan peningkatan risiko terkena kanker," ucap Utami. Walhasil, dia menyimpulkan bayi akan sehat secara fisik, intelektual sekaligus emosional, jika hak ASI anak dapat dipenuhi oleh sang ibu. HERU TRIYONO


* Minta Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (IMD).
* Bayi jangan dipisahkan dari ibunya setelah melahirkan.
* Selama 48 jam pertama tidak diberi susu formula.
* Permintaan dan suplai ASI secara rutin (dikeluarkan 10 cc, maka diproduksi 10 cc)
* Ada dukungan emosi dari suami dan keluarga.
* ASI eksklusif saat bayi berusia 0-6 bulan.
* Konsultasi ke dokter (bila perlu).

Sumber :,20081105-144030,id.html

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Sunday, 30 March 2008

A Mother's Prayer

I pray you'll be my eyes
And watch her where she goes
And help her to be wise
Help me to let go

Every mother's prayer
Every child knows

Lead her to a place
Guide her with your grace
To a place where she'll be safe

I pray she finds your light
And holds it in her heart
As darkness falls each night
Remind her where you are

Every mother's prayer

Every child knows
Need to find a place
Guide her with your grace
Give her faith so she'll be safe

Lead her to a place
Guide her with your grace
To a place where she'll be safe

*A Mother's prayer by Celine Dione

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Friday, 28 March 2008

When Christabelle was born

23rd March 2008

Christabelle was born on sunday easter. She was 3.78 kg and 51cm, overdue 10 days and didn't look like newborn at all. As soon as she was taken out from my tummy (i had to do CS after 26 hours struggle to have the natural one but Belle wouldn't want to come out :) ) she cried so loud and open her eyes really big (even though they didn't look big at all as she got almond shape eyes) and look at the person who hold her. Anyway, me and hubby still think that She is the most beautiful creature we've ever seen :)

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Saturday, 15 March 2008

Why Breastfeed

Why Breastfeeding is important?

Breastfeeding is the normal and most beneficial way for feeding. Your baby's growth and development depends on the food he/she gets. Breastfeeding provides all your baby's essential needs for growth, development and protection from illness and disease.

Best for baby

* Breastmilk meets all your baby's nutritional needs for the first six months
* Breastmilk changes during the feed, as well as over months and years, to meet your baby's changing nutritional, immunological and developmental needs
* Regular skin-to-skin contact and close interaction during breastfeeds encourages mutual responsiveness and attachment
* Breastmilk contains many anti-infective factors that help protect your baby from illnesses such as gastroenteritis and infections
* Breastfeeding lowers the risk of being overweight, obesity and diabetes in childhood and adulthood
* Babies who are breastfed have higher IQ scores and better jaw development
* Breastmilk is more easily digested than other milks and nappies smell less offensive

Best for mother

* Early suckling minimise bleeding after birth and helps your uterus return to its pre-pregnant state
* Breastfeeding aids a faster return to pre-pregnancy body weight as it uses kilojoules to make the milk
* Full breastfeeding delays the return of fertility
* Breastfeeding may reduce the risk of pre-menopausal breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers
* Breastfeeding may lead to stronger bones and less osteoporosis

Best for the family

* A healthier baby means reduced costs in doctor's visits and medicine
* Breastfeeding is cheap compared to formula feeding
* Breastfeeding is safe and convenient

* taken from Breastfeeding your Baby - NSW Health

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Sunday, 20 January 2008

Giving Birth in Australia

Eversince i got pregnant, even before. I have a dream to give birth my baby in Sydney Australia. Why Australia? Well, first of all because i still have my permanent residence that supposed to be expired on August this year. As an Aussie PR i've been told that i have some beneficial privilege, facilities covered by Medicare (Health Insurance for Aussie Citizen and PR). Plus, my baby will get her Aussie citizenship automatically. Plus, possibility that Aussie govt will grant me A$5,000 know as baby bonus. But most of all perhaps because i constantly heard from my friends that currently reside in Australia about all the benefit they got having labor there.

Therefore, i started to bridge correspondence with some parties in Australia. First of all i contact the hospital where i intend to give birth. I chose Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH), because the location is the nearest to where i used to live and also close to Central Business District. Also i heard from some friends that the service in this hospital's excellent. Then i inform all my friends that still reside in Sydney, get their support and seek help to find accomodation. And i also check the immigration whether i'm still eligible to do such things.

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