
Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Baby Belle 1st solid

I planned to give Belle her 1st solid food on her 6th mth B’day which is today. But yesterday when i was eating mango, She always tried to grab it so i gave it to her mouth for her to lick it then she began to demand more and more… so i made the puree of half mango, mix with a bit of breastmilk, sit her on my lap,

(she was too impatience if she had to wait for me to asemble her high chair which i intend to use a day after –> today), put on her bib and give her very first semi solid food :) she seems really enjoy it, keep open her mouth everytime i said Aaaaa and several times wants to grab the spoon and put everything herself. Messy?? all over her cloth and face of course :p


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